We understand sometimes you may need to return an item and we are here to help. Please see our return policy below. Contact us first before you return an item. If you simply send an item back, it will not be accepted.
Returns beyond 30 days from the time of your order will not be accepted. The order packing slip (included with shipment) or e-receipt are required for proof of purchase and price.
If an item has been used, or at all damaged, it will not be accepted. Refunds will be processed once confirmed the contents are returned whole. If you believe an item was damaged in transit or defective in any way, you must report it by email to us within 48 hours, including pictures. your refund will be processed within 3-5 business days after your return item is received
The Rag Factory is not responsible for shipping, handling, and other additional charges for returned items unless the product received was incorrect or faulty. You may be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item.
Clearance sales items are final sale. They cannot be returned or cancelled unless defective from the manufacturer and the return is approved by the manufacturer.